A style frame every so often throughout the boards should keep the palette/styles unified. There will be multiple techniques used throughout the piece so when I sit down to a scene I need to know at a glance how it will look and how it will move. Sometimes things get jumbled up in the old noggin' and the references can be invaluable. Of course animators/filmmakers know this already, I thought I'd mention it because... I wanted to.

So here's style frames I and II- these both come from the first 30 seconds of the film. There's earlier posts covering this sequence and hopefully these frames illustrate the stylistic choices I've been discussing. There'll be some animation tests soon but until then it's back to storyboards.
As a 'layperson' unfamiliar with what goes on with making a film, I just wanted to communicate how satisfying/interesting I find your explanations (whether simply mentioned in passing or in the form of a rant) of how stuff gets coordinated, the dynamics at play with the different variables involved, organizing one's creative ideas, the relevance of certain good methodologies, etc.
I do get a kick out of the behind-the-scenes stuff. Style frames look delicious (not that I mean to eat them or anything). kthnxbye.
thx squishy, it's always good to hear when people are interested. there's plenty more industry ranting on the way, but unfortunately production had a minor setback last week. more on that in a bit...
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